And it shall come to pass when I bring a cloud over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud. -Gen. 9:13-14
Often in our lives threatening clouds gather and we cannot see clearly. But, because of God’s covenant with Noah and the earth, we need not be afraid that the world will be destroyed again by a flood. As we look we can see the rainbow that God has placed in the clouds and our fear is gone. The covenant that God gave Noah is still in effect today, so why do we then imagine that the cloud of our labor that covers our sky will end with our destruction.
Lay aside and resist the fears that have no foundation. Faith will always see the rainbow of the heavenly covenant despite the clouds of suffering that we see. Remember that God owns the clouds and is able to aim the darts of deception and doubt away from us. There is a rainbow of many colors that brings joy to the eyes and the heart. It is not a black rainbow of God’s wrath.
Let us be encouraged. God will not hide our heaven without leaving us the witness of His covenant. When He does this we will trust that He will keep this covenant of peace. He does not change. He will not lie or be weak. God will never break his covenant with us; that eternal bow he promised Noah will be ours also.