The choice of God to His people is His mystery to live among them, and never to leave them. He chose them because He loved them; and He loves them because He chose them. The secret of His true joy is the secret of His choice of them. His choice of them is His secret of His continual joy in them.
It is a reproach to His great name to forsake His people because this would show that He made a mistake by choosing them; or a weakness of love towards them.
God’s great love caused this great unchangeable reaction. His great glory will not be less than before. Let us rest in the valley of our happy old memory with the Lord.
Remember His great mercy, and let us believe He will not leave us. The One who did all this to make His people will not withhold His great grace from His own creation. He did not do all these miracles with us to forsake us. After all He has done, in sending His Son to die for us, let us trust that His blood was not shed in vain.
Will He forsake those whom He shed His blood for? Of course not!
Since He found His joy in choosing and saving us, He will also find His joy by placing His blessed hand on us. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a loving Lord. His love is unchangeable, unconditional. He loved His own until the end. This is you and me!