All mankind is the creation of God no matter their religion, color or race. When God so loved the world, He loved everyone. The enemy of man is Satan himself. Therefore, we cannot ignore the power of the enemy that deceives nations.
God has blessed America and it has fought its wars and won. But, we are now facing a new enemy that we have named terrorism. Since 9/11 we have not been able to defeat the terrorists and win our war. You may call them Al-Qaida. You may call them radical Islam, Hamas, the party of God, Isis. But, their true name has not been declared to the world. Their true name is what causes them to do what they do. It is why nineteen young educated men made the decision to commit suicide to receive a reward in the life to come. We call them terrorist, but they call themselves martyrs for the cause for which they committed suicide. In all honesty, these men had the same goal that ISIS has in Iraq and Syria.
When President Bush stood on ground zero on 9/11 he said: “I do not know why these terrorists can do such an awful thing and bring reproach to such a good religion.” We cannot deny that many Muslims are good, peace loving people who do not practice this aggressive
teaching. The same is true of many Christians who do not practice all the teachings of Christ. At the same time, there are those who practice what they learned in their childhood.
President Obama called it cancer. In his last speech he reiterated that ISIS is not Muslims, but terrorists.
Jesus said, by their fruit you will know them. There is no radical Muslim or radical Christian. You could however be a dedicated Christian or a dedicated Muslim. When you are a dedicated Christian you exercise the teachings of Christ. When you are a dedicated Muslim you exercise the teachings of Islam, and by their fruit you shall know them.
In warfare you cannot win the battle without naming the enemy. Russia was not our enemy; it was communism that used Russia and other nations. It is the same for this war.
My prayer is that God will reveal the truth to those in power so they can name the enemy and win this battle. We need to bear in mind that there will be a price to pay when the truth is told.