The way of holiness is a way made clear so that the simple fool will not go astray if he walks truthfully in that way. The worldly wisdom and path has many twists and turns. Great minds will go astray and end up in an uncertain position.
Wordly instruction is weak and shortsighted. When people choose the worldly way, it will lead them down a dark mountain road.
But, even a person with an enlightened mind does not know more than an uninformed one, unless he is obedient to the Lord and His commandments. This obedience will keep him in the way of the King and under the King’s guidance.
So, the secret to leading a christian life is to obey. When you fi nd yourself in a problem, do not try to save yourself by using ways where there is doubt. Do your best to move forward in the true and perfect way and you will find it is the safer way.
Do not beat around the bush! Be true and fear no one! Follow Jesus no matter what the outcome is, even if your deliverance depends on doing something your mind does not accept.
Believe me, if you do not follow the path of holiness, you will get out of one evil and into another!