Originally, the promise was given to Korsh but it is also to every servant of the Lord in every continent and century. All we need is to go forward in Faith and the way will be may straight before us. The crooked places along with the wiles that evil men produce, along with the devil's subtle deception, will be made straight before us. We need not to exhaust ourselves in going up or going down. The gates of brass will be broken in pieces and the bars of iron cut asunder. We do not need to demolish it and make an iron instrument, the Lord will do the impossible and will bring to pass what we did not expect to happen. We need not to be afraid, we should keep going in our commission to fulfill our call. The Lord said, "I WILL GO BEFORE YOU"; we need not to argue by saying 'why', but let us go forward with courage. This is the work of the Lord and He is alive to fulfill it. Every hindrance will disappear before Him. Didn't He say, I will break in pieces the gates of brass? Who will stop His purpose and His mission? Those that serve the Lord, their potentials are not limited. Therefore, the way is made straight before the power of Faith, even if it is impossible for the natural man. The Lord repeats "I", as it is in this promise, and who will have then any doubt. Faith will replace any doubt!
"I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut asunder the bars of iron. " - Isaiah 45:2
Originally, the promise was given to Korsh but it is also to every servant of the Lord in every continent and century. All we need is to go forward in Faith and the way will be may straight before us. The crooked places along with the wiles that evil men produce, along with the devil's subtle deception, will be made straight before us. We need not to exhaust ourselves in going up or going down. The gates of brass will be broken in pieces and the bars of iron cut asunder. We do not need to demolish it and make an iron instrument, the Lord will do the impossible and will bring to pass what we did not expect to happen. We need not to be afraid, we should keep going in our commission to fulfill our call. The Lord said, "I WILL GO BEFORE YOU"; we need not to argue by saying 'why', but let us go forward with courage. This is the work of the Lord and He is alive to fulfill it. Every hindrance will disappear before Him. Didn't He say, I will break in pieces the gates of brass? Who will stop His purpose and His mission? Those that serve the Lord, their potentials are not limited. Therefore, the way is made straight before the power of Faith, even if it is impossible for the natural man. The Lord repeats "I", as it is in this promise, and who will have then any doubt. Faith will replace any doubt! After passing the Health Bill, I had a feeling that came over me and made me think of the Scripture in the Bible that says, "A house divided against itself will not stand" (Mathew 12:25). Since I came to this country in 1952, I have never felt as I do at this time. Congress is divided not for the better, but for the worse. There is danger within the United States. You cannot call it "united" anymore. Unless God intervene and raises up a man that will be for all Americans, uniting the nation, not dividing it, we will face many problems. These problems could lead to more terrorist activities. Not necessarily from outside of the country, but within the country.
As a man that believes in prophecy, like the weeping prophet, Jeremiah, what is written will come to pass. Even if we do not want it to happen, negative consequences will happen. If the Lord is ready to come, then this is the beginning of sorrows that the Bible spoke about. As much as we do not like the changes that are occurring, they are still taking place. Remembering the words of Paul in Romans 5:20, "Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more." My supporters and my friends, in spite of what is happening in the nation, I exhort you to do your part as an American, and God will honor that. Allow your Spirit to be active to make the right choices. Jesus told Martha that Mary chose the right part, and that was to be sitting at Jesus' feet. In these times of hardship take time to sit at His feet. Learn from Him. Be strengthened in the inner man and do not forget His protection just as He protected His people in Egypt. Even while the Egyptians were suffering from all of the plagues, the people of God were in a land called Goshen in Egypt, and there was no suffering for them. Expect this same favor during the plagues that will be coming to this country. Remember that "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). |
Dr. Elias Malki
Elias ministered to the people of the Middle East for 62 years. The Good News Program has been airing for 33 years. He established a Bible school in Lebanon and traveled extensively in the entire region ministering the Gospel. Thousands of Middle Eastern people, from the seed of Abraham – Jews and Arabs – have been healed and received Jesus as their Savior. Archives
June 2020