East. It seems there is no end to it. That is why we say, Lord Jesus come quickly. As I write this many leaders of the world are meeting to decide the fate of Syria. In the meantime, many Syrian civilians are dying daily. This is not only happening in Syria, but in Egypt, Lebanon and now in the Ukraine and Russia. And we have had our share of troubles in the US.
It seems there is little respect for human life. Those in power whether keep on with no consciousness being driven by the first murderer. Jesus said: “The thief comes to steal and kill, but I come that they might have life and have it abundantly.”
As a Middle Eastern man I know there is no solution to the sage of Syria or Israel or Egypt because religion is the force that drives it and it is anti-God’s plan. In the Old Testament the early people of God were religious, but it was not enough to give them peace and security. That is why Jesus came to earth and paid with his life that people might come out of their religion and have a relationship with God through him.
In Lebanon, Syria and Egypt Muslims are attacking fellow Muslims, and civilians who are not Muslim are being displaced and losing everything including in many cases their lives. The large powerful countries such as Russian and the U.S. cannot seem to come to an agreement that will bring peace. They do not understand that true peace only comes through the prince of peace. And both superpowers have their
background in Christianity and Christ.
There will be a judgment day. There will be an accounting of what you could have done and did not do. My prayer is that the true faithful ministers of the Gospel will do what they can to save as many as they can. I thank God that Middle East Gospel outreach is going just that and we know the day is coming when there will be no more war. Hallelujah!