to look to for answers to their questions. On this day the Ukraine is afl ame. Forty have died so far and some are soldiers. Venezuela is in a similar predicament. Thailand is also demanding a new government. All these nations have seen what happened in Egypt and are following in their footsteps. I would not be surprised if other nations rise against their governments in the near future.
The Bible tells us that these nations are seeking peace but are ignorant in achieving it. They cannot have true peace without the Prince of Peace. We as Christians should remember the words of our Lord, who said: “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God believe also in me. I am the good shepherd who takes care of my sheep. “
I just received a call from a man from upper Egypt who watches our program. He was very troubled because terrorists are seeking out the Christian homes, attacking men, stealing their belongings and kidnaping their children. There is no government to prevent it. I wept with him as he wept and prayed that God would spare him and his wife and children as the children of Israel were spared from the wrath of God in the land of Goshen. There was peace in Goshen when there was no peace In Egypt.
This very same miracle is possible today for those who believe. What is happening in the world
today is just the beginning of the seven years of tribulation. Mother Nature is a good indicator that
God is displeased with man again. We have no rain in the West and fl ooding in the East. Earthquakes and volcanos are causing havoc in Indonesia. All this reminds me that all that has been written concerning the last days is coming to pass. The church of Jesus Christ is still the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We are protected as His people in Goshen were over 4000 years ago! So Christian Brother and Sister lift up your head and rejoice and use the talents God has given you. Occupy till He comes.