Lords. What He says He will do. So, God’s domain is a kingdom not a republic. You cannot vote for
Him or fire Him. He is from everlasting to everlasting.
In acts 1:3 we read how Jesus spent forty days with His disciples after His resurrection and spoke of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Every major event that takes place in our world today He allows for His own plan and purpose. This plan is the same as the prophecies and the dream He gave to Daniel, the vision He gave to John in the book of Revelation and the words He spoke in Matthew 23 while He was on earth.
We cannot help but wonder about certain political decisions that are taking place today. There is pressure on Israel to sign by this year a peace settlement with the Palestinians that will restore all the lands that the Palestinians had before the war in 1967. This includes the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. This pressure is coming from the United States who is their greatest ally. In return Israel will be allowed to build the Temple of Solomon on the Temple Mount adjacent to the Dome of the Rock. When this happens thousands of Jews who live in Judea will be under Palestinian control. Jesus said in Matthew 23:16: “Let them which be in Judea flea into the mountains.” and He referred to this time in Matthew 23:8: “These are the beginnings of sorrows.”
Another great event will fulfil the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 when he spoke of an army like the sand of
the sea in number, coming from the North to destroy Jerusalem. He spoke about them as Gog and Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. This is today’s Russia and its allies. In the last two years
Russia has cemented its presence in Syria, Iran and Egypt. American influence is not as great or respected as it used to be.
The third event is the rise of the Roman Empire which had two important separate powers, religion and secular government. The Vatican represents religion with its own government and monetary system. The
European union represents secular power. The two will unite and it is possible that they represent the beast in Revelations that will introduce the Antichrist to the world. So, let us occupy ‘till He comes celebrating the great day of His resurrection. HE IS RISEN!