they say is true.
In the Bible, every time God wanted to do or say something important He would give a sign. In the time of Joshua, the sun stood still by God’s will. In the time of Hezekiah the king, the sun went back. It was a sign of God’s unusual act of the healing of Hezekiah from his disease. A special star lit up the eastern sky declaring the birth of the savior in Bethlehem of Judea. In Revelations and the book of Daniel the prophets
foretold of many signs taking place to usher in the coming of the Lord.
This should not be something unusual for the church that is looking for its bridegroom to come. We are so close to His coming that it should not be strange for us to witness the appearance of these signs.
In spite of that, we will not cease to labor, but continue to spread the message of the Gospel. There is only one savior, one Lord, one God, one Way and his name is Jesus. No other person in this world ever said what He said. We will always lift His name above all names in these troubled days.
When I listen to the news of the region of the Fertile Crescent I cannot help getting anxious and concerned for those minority soldiers of the cross who have suffered through many generations for the sake of Christ.
And now what is taking place in Syria and Egypt causes me to take more seriously the need to keep the simple message of the Gospel more available.
Through my many years of ministry in Syria and Egypt our Good News Program continues to reach the lost and needy. The Lord continues to bless us in this endevor.
My advice to Christians is to continue to watch, pray and work in His kingdom.