I understand that eighty percent of every dollar used to spread the Gospel comes from the United States. However, in recent years we have seen some changes due to the recent economic struggles.
Because of this some churches are struggling.
We look for a great revival to take place in our beloved country, and I believe it will. I realize that certain things have taken place in the U.S. that would have been an awful thing to let happen thirty or forty years ago. America, its government and its people have shifted away from what the early fathers designed this nation to be. The natural disasters that take place are a sign of those times. They are a warning from God for the people of America to return to the Biblical principles that this country was founded on.
I believe that it will take a great sifting in the church before world wide revival happens. God will separate the wheat from the shaft and a great persecution will come on the wheat. Then He will pour out his Spirit on the wheat and a great miracle will take place in the name of Jesus. This will bring a great revival and many will come to the Lord. The Gospel will spread quickly throughout the rest of the world before His coming. We know He is coming soon. This means that revival is very near! Come Lord Jesus!