The Bible speaks about Iraq as Ninevah in the North, Babylon in the center and Ur in the south. The city of Babylon is mentioned in the Bible more than any other city, with the exception of Jerusalem. According to the scripture, it is very possible that the Garden of Eden was in today’s Iraq. The word Babel is mentioned in the book of Genesis. Nimrad was ruler at the time of the confusion at the tower of Babel where God changed the language of the people. Babylon is only about twenty miles from the city of Baghdad.
The book of Revelation spoke of the fall of Babel, and said of the Babylonians that they were the most wicked people on earth. I believe that in the last days, at the time of the antichrist, Babylon will control the economy of the world. Economy means manna, or money. What is happening now is the beginning of the puzzle falling into place.
In spite of all that, we are concerned about the innocent people in Iraq. When I was invited in 2000 to preach at the Christian convention in Baghdad, the Christian population numbered 3 million at that time. Many have since been killed in the war, and others immigrated out of the country. The remaining Christians live in Northern Iraq, or Ninevah. This is the area that the Jihadists have taken. These terrorists have committed atrocities by killing Christians who do not become Muslim. There have been rumors that they intend to crucify anyone who does not keep their Sharia law.
The Good News Program reaches all the Middle East including Iraq. and we are getting this information on Facebook from many of our viewers.
Your prayers will be important to the Christians in Iraq. We may know what is happening because of our knowledge of the scriptures. But, we pray that God will protect those few Christians left. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!