This promise is right on. Even if the wording does not point that way, we need patience. This promise is the way to receive patience. We have to learn to bear, and we will never learn patience until we experience tribulation. Is it too much on us to suffer temporarily to receive this great grace? This grace keeps our minds quiet and we learn to surrender to the perfect will of God. This verse is put before us as a spiritual truth that does not go according to the natural law, but it is above the natural law. Normally, the tribulation maketh revolution, rebelliousness and lack of faith. But the power of His Holy Grace causes it to worketh in us patience. Naturally we don’t grind wheat to store the chaff, so God’s hammer of tribulation does this with us. Normally we don’t trouble anyone to give him rest, but God deals with His children in a different way, not the human way. Yet it will bear fruit to the glory of our all-wise God. So great is this grace that worketh a secret blessing from my temptation. Will I be abiding in these grace experiences?
Lord I ask you to remove my temptation but please first remove my concern and my tribulation. My dear Lord Jesus, I pray that you would print this on my heart. Amen