Through the centuries, this verse prevailed against all the powers of the enemy. Jesus, being the chief cornerstone, has brought the fulfillment of His own personal prophecy. As I write this, the Gospel is being preached to the world more than any other time in history. Yes, the enemy is active, and sometimes we are concerned, especially for our beloved America. I just read a statistic that said that only 35% of the young married couples who call themselves evangelicals, attend church. So, the battle goes on. As it was in the old testament days, and the days of the apostles. We must fight the good fight of FAITH. No matter what the secular news may say to discourage us from pressing on. Some of the chosen have not been reached yet. The Lord spoke to me, through the verse he gave to Joshua of old. ‘Every place that the sole of your feet shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I have said unto Moses.’ Joshua 1:3
When you receive this newsletter I will be back from a crusade with Arab refugees in England, and a pastor’s conference in Cyprus. Leaders will be coming from Lebanon and Egypt. Many will be there for the first time, and after four days, will return to their congregations with a new vision and new spiritual strength. Rejoice with me that the true church is on the cutting edge. This ministry is evangelizing the world. and discipling the leaders. So, our commander in chief, the Lord Jesus, has not lost a battle yet in spite of what the enemy would say when a leader slips and falls, like some have. God’s Grace is sufficient for them. Remember to keep fighting the good fight of faith bearing in mind, “greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” Yes, it is not over yet. The victory is the Lord’s!