I was supposed to have an appointment with the doctor about my issue of blood, but I refused to go. Then a female doctor friend of mine convinced me to go and let the doctor check me again. I was completely healed. My issue of blood ceased. It has been six months and my husband and I are still healed. We have become born again Christians now. We have a 19-year-old daughter. She had Multiple Sclerosis. She watched the Good News program and prayed with Dr .Malki and the Lord healed her from this disease.
I have a sister living in America. She had colon cancer. It was so bad that doctors had to schedule her for surgery. She came back to Jordan to have the surgery so she could be with her family. She was staying in my home, so I had her watch the Good News program with me. As we were watching the program, Dr. Malki said, ‘There is a lady who is from America who has colon cancer. You are now with your sister in Amman, Jordan. Your husband is treating you in an uncivil way, but you need to forgive him. Your colon will not be healed unless you forgive your husband.’ She decided to forgive her husband from her heart. Then you said, ‘You are now healed from cancer.’ She went to the doctor and they performed the surgery, but when they opened her up, the cancer was not there! The doctors had been afraid that the cancer would spread to her liver and other organs. She went back to the doctor a month later and she was completely cancer free!”