For many years I suffered with migraines. I had them constantly and the pain was very severe. It was to the point that even though I was taking medications, I still
had pain.
One day my head started hurting at ten o’clock in the morning and went on all day long. At ten o’clock at night I was still in bed from the pain. I decided to wrap myself in my blanket and go to the living room. I sat on the couch all wrapped up and turned on the television. The Good News Program came on. Pretty soon I heard you say that anyone who was sick should put their hand on the television and pray for healing.
I was pretty desperate, so I decided that I would pray. I was in too much pain to get up so I just raised my hand towards the television and prayed. From that moment, the pain stopped! It happened immediately. I went to bed and slept like a baby! The next day I was just fine. I did not need any more medicine.
This experience happened ten years ago, and I have not had a headache since that day. It is truly a miracle. I learned how much God loves me and I became a believer and I serve my Lord and Healer.