I was raised a Catholic all my life. As I grew to adulthood and married, I suffered repeatedly with stomach ulcers. They were very severe, and I could not get any relief from the medications I took. Someone told me that there was a program called the Good News Program, and that I should watch it because the man who hosted it prayed for the sick and they received healing. Since I thought I was a good Catholic, I believed that Jesus has performed miracles on earth, and that his disciples had also. But, I did not know if this could happen today, and especially through a television program. But, I decided to watch anyway!
As I was watching you that day, you started to give the message of true salvation through Jesus Christ. It was something I had never heard before. Then you started to pray for anyone who needed healing, after you explained that we were healed 2000 years ago by the stipes that Jesus took on His back. I wanted to be healed, so I prayed. Suddenly I heard you say my name! “Fadia, you are watching me now and you have stomach ulcers. God is healing you now as I pray.”
I felt something go though my whole body and the pain i felt for years in my stomach was gone!. I was so excited, I could not restrain my self and I began to weep. I heard you say that God would baptize in the Holy Spirit all who belived in Him and received Him as their savior. You asked us to pray with you and open our mouths and speak. Suddenly I began to praise the Lord out loud, and then I did not know what I was saying. Then I heard you say:“Fadia, God has healed you and He has just baptized you in the Holy Spirit!”
I felt joy and I feel power in my new faith. I have joined this church here in Lebanon, and I am growing every day in the Lord. Thank you for the Good News Program that has changed my life!